Friday, February 3, 2017

What I'm Looking Forward To

Just 6 days until my surgery! I'm so excited! I have a trip booked to Mexico next month and it dawned on me that it will be the first time I'll be traveling with absolutely no concern for my glasses/contacts. And here are some of the other random things I'm looking forward to:

1. Taking a nap: Just the sensation of letting my eyes close without having to worry about taking off my glasses or drying out my contacts.

2. Flying: Every trip has been fraught with the concern of how to maneuver my contacts or glasses.

3. Sunglasses: I stopped wearing contacts 3 weeks ago. Even though these glasses are transition, I miss my sunglasses!

4. Opening my eyes: I can't even imagine what it feels like to wake up first thing in the morning and see the clock.

5. Swimming: I have only been able to swim without glasses or contacts- smacking into the wall is only fun the first dozen times!

I had my LPI (Iridotomy) on Wednesday (2 days ago). I have been using my Prednisolone Acetate Opthalmic solution 4 times a day since then and I will continue using them until Tuesday....2 day break and then....ICL!  More random thoughts later.

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