Tuesday, March 21, 2017

My First Vacation with Perfect Vision!

Yesterday I got back from a mini-vacation to Mexico City....and it was the first trip I have had without worrying about contacts/glasses and it was GLORIOUS!

For starters, I left on Friday night after a long day of work. Usually, that would mean my gritty eyes would need a break from my contact lenses.

On my first day there, I went to a Temazcal, which is a traditional steam/sweat lodge. I have *always* wanted to try this but each time I've gone to a regular sauna I've either sat in steamed up glasses or totally blind (I learned quickly that contacts would stick to my eyeballs). This trip to the Temazcal was an intensely healing one. I found myself more open than I have been and had a lot of catharsis during the shaman's healing.

On my second day I took a ride in a hot air balloon over Teotihuacan. We left at 5am to make it in time for the sunrise take-off. This was a day that definitely would have been a struggle for me pre-ICL: Too early for contacts, but then a paralyzing fear of losing my glasses over the edge of the hot air balloon. It was amazing to take it all in, with crisp, clear vision.

The rest of the trip was spent exploring and at every interval I had things that made my time easier by not having to worry about dry contacts. Especially the tequila. Just saying... 

One of the big advantages of having ICL was to be able to travel and move unfettered, explore, get lost, without a crippling fear of how to manage and maneuver my glasses and contact lenses. With this mini trip I have definitely confirmed that this was the perfect choice for me!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

1 week Post-Op: "See Ya in the Summer!"

1 Week follow-up day! The most exciting thing I was looking forward to today was the green light to stop taping those shields to my face at bedtime!

I came in today and had Natalie get me ready for my appointment with Dr. Ryne. We went to test on one of the machines (the one I lovingly call the hot air balloon thingie) and then to the exam room to check my eye pressure. It was 11, which by all accounts sounded pretty good. My vision is now actually *better* than 20/20- it is 20/15!

Dr. Ryne came in and was full of good news- my eyes are healing very well, I'm cleared to stop all drops (except artificial tears if needed). And, most importantly, I can sleep without those shields!

I still wondered how delicately I had to treat my eyes- Dr. Ryne put me at ease by sharing an update he had from a conference he attended where soldiers in bomb zones had MRI's taken and their ICLs hadn't been dislodged! So, mascara, here I come!

My next appointment is in 3 months....I bade goodbye to all the wonderful staff at Clearview Eyecare- Mackenzie at the front desk, Natalie, Austin, and...Brianne! What an amazing team- what an amazing experience! I am *so* glad I got the courage to do this!

Friday, February 10, 2017

1 Day Post-Surgery

I woke up this morning and my first thought was 'how am I seeing my clock???' Yes, I was seeing my bedside clock for the first time ever (and it wasn't because I had passed out with my contacts in). Of course, I was seeing them through the snazzy shields with perforated holes so that was fun for me, too.

Day 1 post op my eyes have felt quite light sensitive today. I've worn my funky sunglasses most of the day and my drops have saved me. At points in the day, I've been unable to open my eyes in light. BUT, it is day one so some tenderness is to be expected. I went for my post-op appointment today and both eyes are now at 20-20...Hurray!

Dr. Lyons has been such a blessing to us!

I have so many thoughts on ICL. Should you do it? Only you can answer that. It takes a ton of research, self-reflection and bank account analysis to decide the right thing. For me, it was the best option and it was the exact right time in my life to do it. I have reflected on whether I would have chosen it over Lasik if that had been an option... On the one hand, it is a much more popular route and there is more long-term data available. However, of the 3 people that I know personally who have undergone Lasik recently, 1 is not pleased with the results and already needs an adjustment. And I have been surprised to find that more people who I know to be glasses-wearers now actually had Lasik years ago. For me, I wanted something guaranteed.

My ICL Surgery!

Yesterday was surgery day but between all the excitement I simply couldn't find the time to update on what was happening...

We arrived yesterday morning at 8am on surgery day. Once we checked in, we were taken to an exam room where numbing drops were put into my eyes and my eye pressure was measured. All the staff that we encountered seemed very excited and knew it was my 'big day'. We went to the check-in lady who took payment then reviewed all the post-op instructions. We were taken to the Op holding area where I had several more drops put into my eyes. I was prepared for surgery:

Stylish Cap and Eye Dots...All set!

At a few minutes before 10am I was walked back into the operating room. This is where my nerves finally set in. I remember suddenly being in tears when suddenly my hand was grabbed and I heard a familiar, friendly voice. It was Brianne! (Not Brynn as I had previously thought the spelling was)....And just like that, things got a little less "awkward", lol. As she made small talk with me I remember being very comfortable and the IV was started and that is all I remember from my time in the OR. Next thing I vaguely remember was Dean taking me out to eat, he says we went out for Indian, but I don't really recall. I do remember being amazed at my vision over the course of the day. My right eye was clear from the beginning, but my left eye was very tender and cloudy. After lunch we came back for a post-op follow-up -my right eye was 20/20 and my left eye was 20/70. The doctor said there was a fair amount of inflammation in both eyes, but my left one was markedly worse and would get better over the course of the day. 

I took a nap when we got home and over the course of the day my vision did get better- by nightfall I was amazed at how clearly I could see already. By the time my son got home from school and wanted to play his 'how many fingers am I holding up' he was astounded that I could see him clear to the backyard! I took a lovely walk with a neighbor at night and I just couldn't get over seeing the moon and stars so clearly. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2 Days To Go!

Yesterday was my last dose of the Prednisone Acetate eye drops. Today (and up through a week after surgery) I will be using the Pred-Gati drops which I believe have steroids as well. 4 times a day (same as the other ones) I'll need to apply these ones.
Getting closer!! 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

I miss sunglasses!

It's been nearly a month since I last wore contacts and I had forgotten how burdensome 24/7 glasses can be! I haven't worn eye makeup because I can't see without my glasses but can't reach my eyes with them. 
My glasses also get smudged a ridiculous amount every hour, seemingly. 
But, most of all, I miss my fabulous sunglasses! My 'face jewelry' has been sitting for weeks just waiting for me to be able to wear them.... 4 more days! 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Iridotomy Recovery

After my iridotomy on Wednesday afternoon I was, to be frank, in a world of pain and discomfort. I have been reassured several times that this is the worst part of this process. I truly hope so. By late Wednesday night the halos around lights were gone to my great relief. I was prescribed drops that I have been using 4 times a day and will need to stop 2 days before surgery. They help, but leave a bitter taste in my mouth shortly after I put them in my eyes. They are also white, so there is a tendency to get some weird eye goo after I put them in. None of these are big deals though. 
I've noticed that if I go too long, my face starts to feel a bit tender. That happened today and I had to high-tail it home to get some Ibuprofen in me. 
I got my nails done today and am having my hair done tomorrow. The last time I had surgery I didn't think of doing all this the weekend before so I had to go quite a while before I could do both.... #lessonlearned